An Open Letter from HeroFi’s CEO to our Community and our Investor

3 min readMar 14, 2022


Hi everyone.

My name is Charles, and I am the CEO of HeroFi and the ROFI Multiverse project.

First and foremost, please allow me to express my gratitude to everyone who has contributed to this project. HeroFi has received a lot of support from the crypto community since the day it was launched. As a result, the game gained a foothold in the GameFi field, regularly ranking among the top Dapps in terms of user growth and transaction volume.

When we first started working on the project, my partner and I have been confident that GameFi would be the future of the gaming industry. The development team is always looking for ways to bring GameFi to as many people as possible in order for Blockchain knowledge to become very popular and to help the community gain access to technology knowledge, allowing users to profit from it. With over 10 years of experience developing traditional games, the development team is always eager to bring appealing and entertaining games to Blockchain, and HeroFi is one of the platform games in which my partner and I have put all of our trust and effort.

HeroFi has had a great start with tens of thousands of downloads in the first week, as well as the two tokens $ROFI and $HEROEGG consistently setting new ATH milestones, creating a positive effect in the Blockchain community. It can be said that this initial moment is the most brilliant period of HeroFi in particular, as well as any GameFi game in general.

However, HeroFi is not immune to GameFi’s problems. It is a security issue with DAU when players are too concerned with ROI without really mentioning the entertainment and fun experience every time they approach a game. What I’ve always said is that it’s the top priority for users and a priority for a game development team.

The reality is that the majority of the current Play-to-Earn models on the market are unsustainable. Many games have a lifecycle of no more than three months, and many projects have gradually abandoned them because they were unable to control inflation when the price of tokens fell significantly.

Recognizing that something needed to be done to improve the situation, the HeroFi team created a new model based on years of traditional game development experience. With this new model, we aim to neutralize the concept of Play-to-Earn and Play-for-Fun, a combination of traditional gamers and Blockchain users.

When viewed objectively, the new model benefits all users more. On the one hand, when the team develops games with many challenges in the direction of entertainment, bringing the essence of a true game will help users enjoy the feeling of entertainment and enjoyment. The Incentive factor, on the other hand, will play a role in attracting new players by both assisting players in gaining more knowledge about Blockchain and assisting them in profiting from their hobby.

The new model’s reward is not only Tokens, but investors can also collect NFTs such as Hero, items, and so on. These NFTs can be sold to traditional players via the consignment system. The development of the consignment system will assist investors in gaining more profits from the ecosystem by reducing NFT generation and increasing liquidity.

Any model, however, requires time to demonstrate its efficacy. As a developer, I hope that the community recognizes the value of changing the paradigm and the numerous benefits it brings. The development team and I, more than anyone else, have high hopes for the success of this new model, but this can only happen if our community comes together and makes it happen.


