HeroFi announces new Stake Features — Opportunity to own Rare NFT Items

2 min readJan 27, 2022


In addition to the LP Staking feature for unlocking $ROFI Locked, HeroFi will soon launch the Stake $ROFI and Stake #HERO feature, allowing Holders to earn more money and obtain Rare NFT Items.

In HeroFi, there are two forms of Stake:

  • Stake $ROFI
  • Stake #Hero

Users will receive Rare Items in both forms of Stake to continue conquering the challenges in Campaign Mode and Arena Mode, thereby improving the win rate and rewards received from the game activities.

During the launch of this Stake feature, the development team also announced 5 new RARE NFT ITEMs, each with stats that boost Hero’s power and its own unique Special Effect that promises to completely alter the game landscape for its owners.

RARE NFT ITEMs — The reward.

How does the Stake mechanism work?

With two forms: Stake $ROFI and Stake #Hero, users can choose 1 of 2 forms and the resources they have available to conduct the Staking process.

Let’s take a look at the following two tables to better understand the Pool Stake of these two forms.

Stake $ROFI Pool.
Stake #Hero Pool.

As a result, users will be able to select the Item they want prior to participating in the Stake process, and the system will divide the Pools to make it easier for users to participate.


  • The amount of available slots for participants to engage in Stake is determined by the system. As a result, once the Stake procedure is completed, only 50 of each of the above 5 Rare NFT Items will be available on the market.
  • When the user chooses the Stake #Hero form, the Hero used for Stake is momentarily locked, and the player is unable to use this Hero number for in-game activities.

The new Stake Mechanism will be launched this January 28th at 0 AM

