HeroFi Livestream Recap 12.02 — BIG UPDATE — BIG EVENTS

6 min readDec 2, 2021



  • Time: December 2nd, 2:30AM UTC
  • Host: CMO of HeroFi — Jennie
Live AMA recap 12/02/21

Main Content


*Updates from HeroFi

  • Adjustment in the $ROFI locked and unlocked
  • Adjustment in the amount of $ROFI to upgrade the star-level of Heroes
  • Adjustment in the time to claim $ROFI reward of PvE



Part 1: Introduction

Hi everyone. My name is Jennie, CMO from HeroFi. It’s very nice to talk to you guys today. It’s been more than a week since the official release of HeroFi. As you guys can see, there are so many things that we need to discuss, such as the game’s technical issues and the price of ROFI. I know that you have so many questions and suggestions so that we can improve the game better. Today, I’m here to bring you guys some good news which is about the big updates of HeroFi’s mechanism.

Part 2: Updates from HeroFi

  1. Adjustment in the $ROFI locked and unlocked

Functions of $ROFI locked and unlocked

As we know, the total supply of $ROFI in a day is 288,000 and this amount of $ROFI will be reduced 2% each week. We have $ROFI locked and unlocked. The functions of $ROFI locked are to buy gold, arena tickets,… and the $ROFI unlocked is to upgrade the stars of the Heroes.

For example, if you receive the $ROFI reward which is 100 $ROFI a day, the $ROFI unlocked is 20 and the $ROFI locked is 80. You can use the amount of $ROFI locked to upgrade the level of Heroes by buying gold and arena tickets to earn more rewards. Besides, you can also add liquidity to unlock this 80% of your reward but we will reveal this function soon. With 20 $ROFI unlock, you can upgrade the stars of Heroes, holding $ROFI or do so many things else depending on your purposes.

However, this mechanism affects the price of $ROFI very much. As you can see, in the last 1 week, the price of $ROFI kept going down. So many users asked about the solution to increase the price and improve our game’s mechanism better. After collecting your feedback, we decided to change some things in the game mechanism. The first change is about the $ROFI lock. To use this amount of locked $ROFI, you need to add liquidity to unlock it. This function will be updated in next week maybe.

Please follow our channel so that you can catch up with our updates. From now on until when the funtion of adding liquidity is updated, you can’t use this amount of locked $ROFI. To buy the gold and arena tickets, instead of using the $ROFI locked, now you can only buy them with the $ROFI unlocked. Please see our picture here to get more information.

$ROFI journey.

Time to reduce the amount of $ROFI reward

The second update is about the total amount of reward. From now on to March 1st, 2022, you can receive 100% of your $ROFI reward and use the function of adding liquidity to unlock the amount of ROFI locked. This means we have only 3 months to maintain this situation. After March 1st, 2022, you can only receive 20% of your reward and not receive the 80% of $ROFI locked, which means we cut down the total amount of $ROFI reward from 100% to only 20% now.

Let me give you an example so that you can understand more. For users who play HeroFi before March 1st, if you receive the $ROFI reward which is 100 $ROFI in a day, you will have 20 $ROFI unlocked and 80 $ROFI locked. You can also add liquidity to unlock this 80 $ROFI. But after March 1st, you can only receive the total amount of $ROFI reward which is 20 $ROFI as we cut down the 80% of the total reward. We will still maintain the function of adding liquidity but this function is only for the users having $ROFI locked before March 1st. These users can unlock their $ROFI anytime they want. But I need to emphasize on the time that we will cut down the amount of $ROFI locked, which means no more $ROFI locked existing and no more adding liquidity for this amount of $ROFI after March 1st.

So, the users holding $ROFI from now on to March 1st can take many advantages from owning $ROFI, due to the reduction of the total supply of $ROFI in a day in the future.

Let me explain more about your benefits!

The need to upgrade the levels or the stars of Heroes and the need to join the arena in the future will continue to increase, however, the total supply of $ROFI in a day after March 1st, 2022 is reduced very much, which is only 20% left. This will make other users joining in HeroFi buy more $ROFI in the market, which helps the price of $ROFI go up many times and benefit HeroFi’s users. So, my advice is, you should join our game, complete all of our daily quests, join the arena and try to rank in the high position so that you can earn more rewards. Save the $ROFI for the future. You will have much more advantages after March 1st when the total supply of $ROFI in a day is reduced and the needs of using $ROFI are increased.

You can add liquidity anytime to unlock your 80% of $ROFI reward locked, however, try to earn as many $ROFI as you can before March 1st. Other new users will need your $ROFI soon.

2. Adjustment in the amount of $ROFI to upgrade the star-level of Heroes

The third adjustment is about the amount of $ROFI to upgrade the star-level of your Heroes. To upgrade the star-level from 3 stars to 4 stars and from 4 stars to 5 stars, we need the same amount of $ROFI which is 300. However, you can see the success rate is really different.

Please check out our update in Whitepaper so that you can see it clearly.

Star upgrading price distribution.

3. Adjustment in the time to claim $ROFI reward of PvE

The final update today is the time to claim $ROFI. You will receive the $ROFI reward of PvE at the same time that you finish your daily quest but 4 days later.

For example, if you finish your daily quest at 4 AM UTC today, you will receive the reward at 4 AM UTC 4 days later.

We will update the change in the time to claim $ROFI reward for PvP soon.

Campaign reward claiming time.

Part 3: Conclusion

Thank you so much for joining with us today. If you have any questions, please join our Telegram Channel, Global Telegram Community and our admins will help you to answer all of the questions.

Hope you have a good day and go to the moon with HeroFi!




Written by HeroFi

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