Tower Mode — A super exciting and appealing Game Mode — HeroFi

4 min readFeb 28, 2022


Released on February 28th, Tower Mode is a new game mode that brings users new experiences and extreme happiness.

Legend has it that, after sending Genesis Heroes to earth with a mission to save humanity, the Creator built a tower to hide the deepest secrets of the Multiverse. The Dark Tower — The name of this tower — Accepts only the strongest.


Tower Mode is a game mode that requires players to arrange their heroes and their number of heroes reasonably to rush to the highest Floor possible. Winning at each floor, players will receive a worthy reward.


Players start from the 1st Floor and slowly go up.

  • Maximum number of floors: 100 Floors.
  • Players build a team of up to 5 heroes to fight the enemy team of the Floors.
  • A team that can be a group of Heroes that has a number of stars from 1 to 6 stars.
  • Like Arena Mode, players participating in Tower Mode can freely arrange their team before starting the battle. Heroes entering the battle will fight in Auto mode.
  • When entering the battle, players can pause the match or choose to give up.
  • Players must pass the lower Floor to enter the next Floor.

Note: Players need Stamina to participate in Tower Mode. Each hero brought in will need a certain amount of Stamina.


Fixed rewards for winning Floors include:

  • Gold.
  • Arena Tickets.
  • Stamina.
  • Tower ticket.
  • 2-star items.

Note: Tower ticket is a special item that allows players to quickly pass through previously defeated Floors.

Win-lose conditions

Each match lasts up to 60 seconds.

Winning conditions

  • Players must clear the enemy team.
  • The health point of the heroes that are still alive will only be restored X% of their maximum health.
  • Heroes who died can still be selected to fight on the Next Floor but when starting a new battle with X% health.
  • Players can choose a new Hero from their hero list.

Losing Condition

  • If the match lasts more than 60s and the player cannot wipe out the Floor, the player will be considered as the loser.
  • After losing, the player must climb back from the first Floor and at this time, the health of all heroes in the team will be reset to the original.

Note: If the player has passed the X Floor, then using the Tower Ticket, the player can quickly pass the X, X-1, X-2.. Floors along with the X+1 Floor.

Other features in Tower Mode

This new game mode also has many features to help players overcome more Floors.

Heal the team:

  • After each Floor, players can use Gold to restore 100% health for the entire team.
  • The amount of gold to spend each time using the healing ability will increase with each Floor.

Tower Mode is being launched in combined with a Special Event

Not to let you wait any longer, Tower Mode will be officially released on February 28th. Along with this update, there will be a special event for users who will be participating in this new game mode

  • This event is open to anyone who plays Tower Mode.


  • The Leaderboard for the Tower Mode event will feature 100 participants and will be ranked according to the player’s highest level obtained throughout the event duration.
    Higher-level players will have lower rankings.
  • If the players are on the same level, the HeroFi team will compare the number of victories for each level to determine the winner.

Prepare your hero now, and get new equipment to your invetory as soon as possible to begin a new war, guys.

» Tower Mode event will be held from February 28th to March 31

